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{Chainspell} {Head Butt}, {Do you need it?}

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  • {Chainspell} {Head Butt}, {Do you need it?}

    I was curious if anyone had tried out Chainspell Head Butt on any of the fights where Red Mages typically are asked to go RDM/DRK?

    Here's the reason I ask: It seems like head butt would be better, as not only could you do the same thing as with stun, but 1) it's also less MP, 2) it's on a 12 second recast not factoring in fast cast, so it would be more useful while NOT chainspelling too.

    Here's the real reason I ask:

    I hate DRK. I hated playing DRK on my other character. I hate having DRKs in my party (MP Sink, {No Thanks}). I think it's safe to say that the sun will go cold and dark and all life on this planet will perish before I get DRK to 37.

    Any input?

  • #2
    Re: {Chainspell} {Head Butt}, {Do you need it?}

    Not saying it's a bad idea... just be aware of a couple of things:

    1 - the timer on Head Butt when subbed is almost nonexistant - and doesn't always work. This is using it as War/Blu where I'm using an A rated weapon vs a B rated weapon in Blu - which means your accuracy will also be lower with it.

    2 - Stun does what it says on the tin. Head Butt can miss or fail to activate (I should say).

    As for Drk comments... well, shame you hated having them in your parties. While I tease my Dork Knight friends endlessly - a good one in a party is a valueable asset. I'm guessing you've just failed to meet any. If you ever cared to do the maths btw - a good Dark using Souleater indescriminately (with the tank holding hate) - turns a White Mage into the most efficient Nuker on the battle field mp for mp. It's just that Whm's hate healing people. Shame really.

    - Saeriel


    • #3
      Re: {Chainspell} {Head Butt}, {Do you need it?}

      Originally posted by Spinnthrift
      It's just that Whm's hate healing people.

      - Saeriel
      I said it once, I'll say it again. BAD WHMs HATE HEALING PEOPLE. I party with DRKs all the time, I keep nearly everyone's HP capped at all times (leaving some slack for a PLD so they can heal for hate.) I don't mind much that a DRK uses HP, as long as they do good DMG. I've partied with a few good DRKs. One being my friend Zidana. He's meriting DRK right now, and I'm meriting certain parts that I can on WHM, for my BLM [INT, MP, Spell interruption rate (Screw enmity, I plan to level NIN sometime), and Whatever else is possible for BLM that can be done on WHM.] Not only do I heal, but I keep haste cycles going, and regen cycles (switching off from Regen II to III depending on the situation.) Bad WHMs just sit back, heal whenever, haste whenever, regen whenever, go AFK, and only want to party with NINs. It's these types of assholes who end up trying to join an HNMLS, and then quit the game b/c they had a reputation. :/

      But yeah, Chainspell Head Butt would'nt work, because the skill level would just be horrendous when you subbed BLU. It would be like a WHM/BLM trying to MB with elemental magic. The reason DRK is subbed, is because Dark Magic on RDM caps at 200 at 75. (Compared to ~114 for Blue Magic on /BLU). Also, from what I've seen, Stun can rarely be resisted. It's near 100% accurate.
      Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
      90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

      Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


      • #4
        Re: {Chainspell} {Head Butt}, {Do you need it?}

        Originally posted by Spinnthrift
        Not saying it's a bad idea... just be aware of a couple of things:

        1 - the timer on Head Butt when subbed is almost nonexistant - and doesn't always work. This is using it as War/Blu where I'm using an A rated weapon vs a B rated weapon in Blu - which means your accuracy will also be lower with it.
        Yeah, I think I'm going to ask my next XP party if I can try it out. While it won't be a good indication of how it'd be against, say, some NM, it will at least show if it truly, truly sucks.

        a good one in a party is a valueable asset.
        I won't disagree with you there... unfortunately, DRK tends to get a bad rap for the same reason that plagues DRG, the job attracts a LOT of morons. A LOT. My other complaint is that my experiences with good DRK is that sucking up a lot of the WHM's MPs makes chaining a bit riskier for those situations where something goes horribly wrong.

        The only thing is with blue magic, only very limited things seem to be based on blue magic skill. the rest all seem to have been based on your standard accuracy and attack, or at least it was when I was running around like a tard on my thf/blu stunning IT worms for fun out in altepa

        And plus with blu you get vorpal blade so you can own teh mobs with your mad melee skills (Oh GOD I hope people realize this is a joke...)
        Last edited by Atma; 06-04-2006, 12:44 PM.


        • #5
          Re: {Chainspell} {Head Butt}, {Do you need it?}

          if you really hate to level up drk, you don't really need to. Rdm/Drk chain stunner is just 1 out of many roles you can choose to do. If you're in HNM LS, some other Rdms will be able to do it for you. On a regular play, you'll hardly ever need /drk. I have my drk levelled to 37 and I rarely use it as sub.... for the pass 6 months I only use it when I help with diabolos fight. Which happened only a few times...

          However when you're doing anything at all that requires chain stunner (gods, dynamis lords to name a few), performing this role is hella fun.

          Honestly I didn't enjoy levelling up Drk so much. But at low level I need so little EXP that seeing myself levelling up can be very enjoyable regardless of what job I play.... You also already know how levelling is done, 1-37 shouldn't take you more than 2 weeks. Or you can even do it in a few days with a PL or something.

          As for chainspell headbutt.... what are you planning to use it on?
          We use /drk's stun mainly for diablos, sky hnm and dynamis lords... you think you can trust /blu headbutt in these situations?
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #6
            Re: {Chainspell} {Head Butt}, {Do you need it?}

            I agree that this would be great if it works and you stole this idea from me in another thread. But, yeah, I also would much rather lvl blu than drk if all drk brings is chainspell stunning, because:

            a. I like mages better
            b. I want to try out blu
            c. Blu as a sub can be useful for soloing possibly.


            • #7
              Re: {Chainspell} {Head Butt}, {Do you need it?}

              Blue mage physical based spells derive their accuracy from the skill of the weapon you have equipped at the time. If the skill of your weapon is capped, then you'll have better accuracy attempting to Head Butt.

              As said previously, the Head Butt Stun isn't 100% affect on each hit.

              With enough ppl /BLU you could create a Head Butt chain without the use of Chainspell.

